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Welcome to... The Sugar Wood Foodie

Our Grilling Spice

One of my favorite seasonings has got to be our very versatile Grilling spice. This wonderfully deep toned spice is rich with flavor. This grilling spice is not for the faint of heart as it has a kick of heat that will surprise you. While this spice is not the hottest five alarm fire of a spice out there, it certainly allows for a great depth of heat while still allowing you to enjoy the other amazing flavors without masking them. It is well balanced and the perfect accompaniment to almost any meat or vegetable dish. My whole family thoroughly enjoys this seasoning. If you wish for a slightly less kick.. use with caution... less is more in that case.

My family uses this grilling spice on/in:

All Beef products

Pork Chops

Pork Loin



Spaghetti Sauce


Mixed Veggies

Stir Fry

Potato Dishes

Some Fish Dishes

Mexican Dishes


Dry Rubs

Fries/Home Fries

Egg Dishes

Wild Game


If you happen to get a chance to try this amazing Grilling Spice of ours, we would love to hear from you! Let us know what you used it in/on... Did you have to "tame the heat" or was it just right? IF you needed a bigger kick.. no worries.. We have a surprise right around the corner!! We look forward to seeing all of your great pictures!


Autumn & The Sugar Wood Family

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