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Pumpkin Spice is a more versatile spice than I think many people give enough credit to.  This warm and flavourful seasoning makes a delicious, pumpkin pie, amazing cookies, rice crispie squares... it also makes a wonderful addition to many different teas, coffees and Apple ciders (If you don't like the "residue" in the bottom of the mug you can pick up inexpensive Tea ball infuser or empty tea bags/ brew bags)! I personally love to make whipped cheese cake or sweet breads with it (In the picture is a Pumpkin/Carrot cake which was Phenominal!). Try it on your Autumn Vegtables (Parsnips, carrots, squash etc.) baked with some butter and Brown Sugar... Yum!! 



Large- g

Small- g


Uses:  Baking, Pies, Breads, Cakes, Cookies, Hot Drinks, Ice Drinks, Vegtables, Asian cuisine, Candied nuts, Ice creams, Etc.


Attributes: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free, Salt Free



Pumpkin Spice

  • Ingredients:

    Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger, Allspice, Cloves



    cannelle, noix de muscade, gingembre, quatre-épices, clous de girofle

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